Saturday, March 6, 2010
Healing Stroke with Water
Water is life and can restore life. It has many therapeutic properties, which includes reviving the use of bodily functions lost due to a stroke. Commonly known as hydrotherapy, water has been used as far back as ancient Egyptian civilization to relieve pain and treat diseases by improving circulation.
Water therapy is known to treat stress, rheumatism, arthritis, burns, hemorrhoids, spasticity, musculoskeletal disorders, and stroke patients with paralysis. Rehabilitation of stroke patients through hydrotherapy will also help improve not only their tissue's health but also their joint health and movement, increase strength in weakened muscles, stretch spastic muscles, and uplift overall quality of life.
It is so effective that many hospitals and rehabilitation facilities have acquired machines for physical therapy that apply the use of water therapy.
Nowadays, you can go to spas that offer different forms of hydrotherapy to clients. Spas have specially-designed showers that implore massage techniques that focus on different muscle parts through the use of pressurized hot or cold water. There are some spas that have aromatherapy pools just like the ones used by the royalty of ancient times where special oils like lavender are added to aid in the treatment.
If you love swimming or simply being in the water, a trip to a hydrotherapy spa in your area would really be a fun way for you to spend time while you relieve yourself from pain and recover from your disability due to stroke. It would also be a great time to bond with your family and relax from all the stress you've been through.
Now, if you're looking for a more structured approach that you can use as part of your rehabilitation program, there are facilities that offer aquatic exercises specially meant for stroke patients. Aquatic exercise is another form of water therapy used for treatment of stroke patients and injured athletes, among others.
Aquatic exercises are actually a lot easier for stroke patients to do because the water's buoyancy allows them to move freely. Unlike exercising on land, activities like walking, balancing, stretching, aerobics, coordination, and strengthening can be done by stroke patients without fear and difficulty as the water supports them.
The book "Aquatic Exercise for Rehabilitation & Training" by Lori Brody and Paula Geigle, which also comes in DVD and VCD, is a great reference to aquatic exercises. It prescribes the right aquatic exercise programs stroke patients can use for their recovery. The book also thoroughly explains everything stroke patients and their therapists need to efficiently carry out a rehabilitation program that meets the stroke patient's abilities and limitations.
Hydrotherapy and aquatic physical exercises are great add ons to stroke treatment. It is an enjoyable way to recover from stroke, regain confidence, cultivate social skills, and invigorate family ties.
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Chiropractor-Neck Pain and Those Poor Body Aches
When someone experiences a motor collision they tend to go right to the MD. They want some relief from their pain. While getting to the doctor is the first instinct, there may be a much better option since the injuries that result from an ehiplash sometimes need the attention of a specialist like a chiropractor.
When the body goes through an accident, it typically causes the body to go into protection mode and tighten up the muscles when the impact is about to occur. This is one of the worst things that a person can do at such a time. People that are under the influence during an accident are typically not hurt as bad because their response times are slower and their bodies are more relaxed. While drinking is not something that is suggested at all, allowing your body to relax during an accident can bring some definite advantages.
The head gets thrown forward and backwards when the impact occurs and when the airbag explodes at more than two hundred miles per hour the people in the car will be hit in the face and chest area directly. While the airbags do save lives, as it has been proven, it also causes very visible injuries that are noticeable almost immediately.
When the accident occurs, the head is typically forced into a movement that causes pulling and strain to the neck muscles and it nearly always results in a headache on the spot. As the car comes to a stop the body is jerked from side to side and can cause damage to the lower and mid back and hip area. These types of pains often show up after the accident has occurred due to the overwhelming pain from other injuries that have occurred and are felt more instantly.
When the emergency room begins their evaluation they will typically treat the pains with pain killers and muscle relaxers. While this does work to take the edge off of the injury, the underlying injuries are left to heal by themselves. Many times the body will require other help to eliminate the long term damages that have been caused.
It can be very stressful to visit the chiropractor for the first time. Many people worry about what the chiropractor will do that cannot be done at a regular doctor's office. They are often also concerned with getting physical treatment and not using medication to help. The chiropractors have been educated intensively on the structure of the body and how it works internally and they are also licensed to practice these types of services. They are extremely familiar with the muscle groups and what is necessary to speed up the healing process in the body.
Once the initial x-rays and exam are completed the chiropractor will put together a plan for treatment that will almost always take effect immediately. The treatment plan may include manipulations, sonic vibrations with heat packs, and massage therapy. The manipulations are what most people fear because it can be heard. It is just like cracking your knuckles. It allows the bones to align and it causes the muscles to relax around the joints. It is not painful but it can be a source of fear for those that have not been to a chiropractor before.
Immediately after the collision, until the specialist can be seen, the person should be extremely careful. The Fort Collins Chiropractor that specializes in bodily injuries that are affecting a person's daily activities and overall health is often the best path to follow. Living in chronic pain is not something that is necessary when a simple phone call can get the sufferer some relive.
Whiplash Injuries and Chiropractic Care
The term whiplash is used to describe injuries to the neck muscles that are caused by a sudden jerk of the head backward, sideways and or forward like what happens in most accidents. No matter if the injury took place as a result of a sports injury, an accident at the workplace or in a car accident, the injury should be treated with chiropractic treatments. Whiplash injuries can be tricky as they do not always show up immediately and can take years to develop. There are some basic symptoms of whiplash that include blurred vision, irritability, nausea, pain between the shoulder blades, dizziness, fatigue, headaches, difficulty swallowing, and pains I the neck or stiffness in the neck. When someone begins to experience such side effects they should get to a chiropractor to have a checkup.
One of the best choices to cure whiplash is to take advantage of the mechanisms that the chiropractor has in place to help with neck sprains. The focus of the chiropractic care that deals with curing whiplash is to treat the spinal discs, improve muscular strength, reduce muscle spasms, and optimize the motion that is available in the spine.
Applying a general treatment path for whiplash is not possible as the signs and complexities are different depending on the person and what they went through. This makes the chiropractor apply specific treatments that will help to treat the dysfunctions from the injury and it is designed by looking at the results of the chiropractic exam.
Of the many different treatments that are applied, many of the chiropractors will use the following types of treatment:
1. Chiropractic Manipulation to Treat Whiplash: One of the most common whiplash treatments for chiropractic adjustment, joint dysfunction, or manipulating the spine involves moving the injured joint gently on in short bursts in the direction that it has become difficult to move it in. This is done by the chiropractic doctor so no more damage is created.
2. Muscle Stimulation or Relaxation as a Treatment For Whiplash: This chiropractic care technique uses stretching that is gentle of the muscles that are taught and sometimes forcing the inhibited muscle to contract. A more vigorous stretch routine may be put in place if the muscles are extremely tight and the chiropractic doctor feels it is necessary.
3. Miscellaneous exercises for Whiplash: There are several different exercises that are used for whiplash that include Stabilization/Sensorimotor exercise and McKenzie exercises. These are used as a portion of the chiropractic care in cases of injuries like whiplash.
The McKenzie exercises have been created to cut down on disc derangement that is a result of an injury like whiplash. It requires simple movements to be made in the injured area and is typically taught by the chiropractor and then practiced at home.
Stabilization and sensorimotor exercise techniques are used to correct any flowed movement patterns that occur during activities that are routine and are part of a person's normal life. It trains the nervous system to control the movement patterns and to coordinate which improves the ability of the neck muscles to control the stability in the neck area.
Lifestyle and Ergonomic changes: All of these treatments are designed to minimize any strains in the body while going about the daily activities that a person has. The advice from the chiropractor will be to avoid or minimize the impact of activities that are completed through the day at work, home, or during any recreational times that affect the car crash injury. More importantly, the chiropractor will teach the injured person how to go about their day with "self use" in mind so they do not cause more damage or more pain. They also use stress reducing techniques as part of the chiropractic treatment if it is necessary.
When a person is treated for whiplash by chiropractic professionals, they may be asked to perform treatments that have been described here as well as other treatments. They may also be referred to another medical professional in order to get the best treatment possible for their injury.
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Labels: arthritis joint pain, benefit health, children's health, eating health, health supplement, health weight loss, hip joint, hospitals health, joint hip, nutritional health
Joint Health Questions & Answers
Joint Health please visit :
A childlike woman near an unusual skin imprudent and reciprocal backache should be tested for what?
1. autoimmune disease 2. congestive heart failure 3. cholecystitis 4. emphysema psoriatic arthritis All of your problems sound resembling either Fibromyalgia or Lupus...lets hope for neither but Lupus could be homicidal...Good Luck Honey, Priscilla 1....
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.BTW I am asking for my fiance . Just in case sexual category as any bearing in the charitable of answer you may have. Such as nutrients, foods, different techniques such as mould, and ice, and heat. Or any other things that can be done. I thank every answer from the...
A topical cream for arthritis & sore joint.?
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A united a daylight? what would that do to you?
Slight short term memory impairment, would shift away if you stopped cold turkey. Weight gain from the munchies. Maybe a cough, you'll get that from smoking anything, but not nearly enough smoking to effect cancer. No dead brain cells, that's a myth....
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What is this problem coming from. The only medicine that I appropriate every single day is omeprazole. Is this the cause or what is going on. How to give a hand my joints? Please, help...
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A topical cream for arthritis & sore joint.? hi, we're a family run skincare product business based within Scotland. we have a successful range of products which we trade through our shop, website, by mail order and also through some outlets throughout the country. Our top selling product by far is our cream that...
Labels: gov health, health dept, health diet, health natural, health plans, health supplements, health vitamin, hospital health, joint arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis joint
Doggie Joint Disease Management Ideas
Canine arthritis is akin to human joint disease. It's not unusual among some older dogs, and is probably to impact inactive and overweight canines. This kind of degenerative disease causes tightness in the muscles and joints.
As the dog grows older, their joints acquire more wear and tear, making your pet much more at risk of arthritis. Just like with people, the pain caused by the affliction can be very severe for many dogs.
canine arthritis doesn't simply affect older animals - more youthful canines can suffer too. Accidents and injuries are two likely reasons for arthritis in young dogs. If a dog suffers damage to its legs early on in existence, this can make your pet more at risk of getting arthritis later on in life. Illnesses as well as infections can also cause arthritis. Dog hip dysplasia is an affliction that can leave your canine friend with crippling arthritis.
The most common type of arthritis is osteoarthritis. This unpleasant condition is usually caused by natural cartilage deterioration as a result of overuse. Most dogs late in life will probably be impacted to one degree or another.
Careful exercise can help your pet. Regular motion could cause more wear to the cartilage, but in addition it activates the release of lubricating fluids within the important joints, which provide relief. Even so, a dog suffering from arthritis needs the services of an excellent veterinarian. Sometimes, this pain your pet experiences can be so extreme that some sort of therapeutic pain remedy will be required. Remedies and cures can help to a certain extent, but proper disease management and pain alleviation are needed to maintain the symptoms at a minimum.
Over-the-counter medications are available that may provide some pain relief, but you need to invariably get the advice of a good vet before employing these. Your vet should complete a thorough assessment of the pet's overall condition, and will recommend which over-the-counter remedies and/or drugs would be best suited to relieve your beloved pet's suffering.
There's an old saying: prevention is better than treatment. Keeping the dog in good shape and in optimal health will greatly reduce the chances of his developing joint disease later on in life. A doggie's regular life span is about 15 years. When dogs grow older, they require a lot more medical attention. After the age of ten, many dogs are prone to getting arthritis.
As an owner, you naturally have got your pet's best interests at heart and will do the best to maintain your pet fit and happy and, later on in life, as pain-free as you possibly can.
Read More about doggie arthritis and get more information as to how to help with your dogs arthritis visit click here.
About the Author
Dixon George is an avid internet marketer and article writer.
Labels: benefits health, health benefits, health clinic, health community, health products, health state, joint pain, nutrition health, pain joint, vitamins health
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